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private showroom
Rio de Janeiro


"Since 2022, I have been interested in finding and developing a more independent, self-reliant and private style of work that focuses on direct sales and direct dialogue with the customer. I find great value in opening a space for people to experience the artwork where it was created and to feel the tropical Brazilian environment that surrounded it during the process of creation."


Since 2022 Miriam Loellmann has been using her living room as a private experimental exhibition space that invites and encourages international and local audiences to experience her body of work in her own working style. 


Here you can see and experience different artworks, walk through her studio and her small garden on the veranda with a refreshing view of the sea and sky and breathe in the tropical air and light-filled atmosphere that surrounds the artist day by day as she creates and lives.


Nine artworks hang in the room and more can be seen in the archive. The beauty of the space is that the works can be experienced in very different lighting situations, natural as well as artificial light and in a living space where you can get the feeling of what it is like to live with the artworks.



Desde 2022, Miriam Loellmann tem usado sua sala de estar como um espaço de exposição experimental privado que convida e incentiva o público internacional e local a conhecer seu corpo de trabalho. 


Aqui você pode ver e experimentar diferentes obras de arte, conhecer seu estúdio e respirar o ar tropical, além da atmosfera cheia de luz que cerca a artista dia após dia enquanto ela cria e vive.


Nove obras de arte estão penduradas na sala e outras podem ser vistas no arquivo. A beleza do espaço é que as obras podem ser vistas em situações de iluminação muito diferentes, tanto com luz natural quanto artificial, e em um espaço de convivência onde se pode ter a sensação de como é viver com as obras de arte.



Seit 2022 nutzt Miriam Loellmann ihr Wohnzimmer als privaten, experimentellen Ausstellungsraum, der ein internationales und lokales Publikum einlädt und ermutigt, ihr Werk in ihrem eigenen Arbeitsstil zu erleben. 


Hier kann man verschiedene Kunstwerke sehen und erleben, durch ihr Atelier und ihren kleinen Garten auf der Veranda, mit einem erfrischenden Blick auf das Meer und den Himmel, gehen und die tropische Luft und lichtdurchflutete Atmosphäre einatmen, die die Künstlerin Tag für Tag beim Schaffen und Leben umgibt.


Neun Kunstwerke hängen in dem Raum und weitere sind im Archiv zu besichtigen. Das Schöne an diesem Raum ist, dass man die Werke in ganz unterschiedlichen Lichtsituationen erleben kann, sowohl bei natürlichem als auch bei künstlichem Licht und in einem Wohnraum, in dem man ein Gefühl dafür bekommt, wie es ist, mit den Kunstwerken zu leben.


Miriam Loellmann


Whatsapp/Signal: +5521 97597 2771

Instagram: @miriamloellmann

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